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How does the Mac App Store version differ from the one downloaded on

Last updated on 20 Oct 2023
2 min read

When choosing which version of Sketch is best for you, it’s important to know the differences between the Mac App Store version and the version you can download from


In order to offer Sketch on the Mac App Store, we need to follow Apple’s App Store Guidelines. This means the Mac App Store version of Sketch has some limitations, such as:

  1. Plugins and Assistants. You won’t be able to extend Sketch’s functionality through third-party plugins or tools to help streamline design workflows.
  2. Importing .fig files. The Mac App Store version of Sketch can’t open .fig files, so you won’t be able to directly import Figma files into Sketch.
  3. sketchtool. Because there are restrictions in place that prevent adding extra binaries to apps on the Mac App Store, we can’t provide sketchtool in the Mac App Store version. This is the tool we use from the command line to automate different tasks. Tools like Zeplin or Abstract need this tool to check Sketch documents and make previews.
  4. License keys. You can only use the Mac App Store version of Sketch with a subscription. If you have a license key, please download Sketch directly from
  5. Mirror (Legacy). The legacy Mirror app is not compatible with the Mac App Store version of Sketch. We encourage you to use the new iPhone and iPad app, which you can download from the App Store for free.

Worry not! If you need any of the features above, download Sketch from, and sign in using the same credentials you use for the Mac App Store version.


When you download Sketch through the Mac App Store and start a subscription within the app, Apple will handle all billing and payment details. Please see Apple’s support article for more information on how to manage your billing and subscription details.


If you start a subscription via the Mac App Store version of the app, there can only be one Editor per Workspace and you won’t be able to add more Editor seats.


Even with a single editor in a Workspace, you can still use real-time collaboration. Invite other people as ‘Guests’ (referred to as ‘Guest Editors’) to join your Workspace’s projects or documents using the email address associated with their active Sketch subscription.

Take these limitations into account before deciding whether to download Sketch directly from or via the Mac App Store. If you have any questions, please contact us.
