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Mirror support has ended

Last updated on 12 Mar 2024
1 min read

Our legacy Mirror app is no longer supported. This means there won’t be bug fixes or improvements, but you can still use it with Sketch.

Our Legacy Mirror app is no longer available

Ending support refers to code development and maintenance. You can still use the legacy Mirror app, but please note that it’s provided on an as-is basis because it is no longer actively developed.

If you choose to keep using legacy Mirror, please note that the app may not work as expected, depending on the specifics of your hardware, operating system versions, and network settings. Some of these issues may become more common as time passes since Sketch, macOS, and iOS will keep introducing updates while the legacy Mirror app will not.

Can I still download it from the App Store?

It’s no longer listed in the App Store for new downloads. If you previously downloaded the legacy Mirror app, you’ll still be able to download it from your App Store purchase history.

Can I use the new iOS app instead?

If you’re using a Mac-only license, you cannot use the iOS app (Sketch — View and Mirror), as it requires documents to be saved in a Workspace to mirror them. The new app offers more features besides mirroring, like playing prototypes or browsing through documents from all Workspaces you’re part of and thus, relies on our Web app to provide these features.

We understand the new app won’t fit everyone’s needs, but if it sounds like an option, you can learn all about the iOS app here.
