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What’s New 10+

Discover the latest features in our Mac, web and iOS apps.

10+ new since your last visit
  1. Improved prototype player

    We’ve rolled out a brand new prototype player on the web app and rebuilt it completely from the ground up. You’ll see some big improvements to loading times when you test your prototypes, and complex designs now display more accurately.

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  2. Collections

    Introducing a new level of organization for your Workspace. With Collections, you can group documents inside of Projects. Just like Projects, Collections are workflow-agnostic — so you can organize documents using whatever groupings suit you and your collaborators best. Collections are available right now in the latest version of the Mac, iOS and web apps.

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  3. Resolve Comments

    Conversation complete? Discussion done? Details debated? You can now mark comments (and their replies) as resolved in the web and Mac apps. Resolved comments disappear from view, but you can always bring them back (and reopen them) via the View menu in the Mac app or the drop-down menu in the web app’s sidebar.

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  4. 2022 — that’s a wrap!

    This year we’ve been busy working on new features to give designers and the people around them better and faster ways to create their best work. But unless you’re using Sketch every day, you might’ve missed some of our big releases. So here’s a quick recap of some of the coolest improvements we’ve added to Sketch in the last 12 months.

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  5. Commenting in the web app

    Share ideas, discuss details and ideate together with comments in our updated Sketch web app. Now, you can pin a comment directly to a point on the Canvas and strike up a conversation, right where it matters. And once you’ve left your comments, you can add more detail as a reply and discuss with others right inside that same comment. We’ll be bringing comments support to the Mac app soon, too.

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  6. 38 smaller (but still sweet) Sketch improvements

    With all the big feature releases in recent months, it’s sometimes easy to miss some of the smaller (but still sweet) improvements we’ve made to Sketch along the way. So grab a coffee and take a seat as we run you through 38(!) of these little gems in less than four minutes.

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  7. Duplicate documents

    We’ve added a new option to duplicate a document to your drafts folder, so you can iterate on an idea without adding updates to the original file. This works for documents in Workspaces that you’re a part of, as well as documents others share via a public link.

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  8. Color Tokens

    With Color Tokens you can export, integrate and sync Color Variables from your designs to your development projects. If you’ve got a document or Library with Color Variables, you can now use the web app to download Color Tokens in CSS or JSON formats, or generate a URL that stays up to date with any changes you make.

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  9. Restrict access to projects

    We’re giving you even more control over when and where you share your work. Now you can choose whether a project is visible to your whole Workspace, or just the members you invite to it. It’s ideal when you’re working under NDAs, or just want to keep noise around new ideas to a minimum.

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  10. Components web view

    We’ve added a powerful new way to view all your Symbols, Color Variables, Layer Styles and Text Styles in the updated Sketch web app — and it’s called Components web view. You can now easily jump between different Component types, then use the menu on the left-hand side to select different groups.

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  11. Canvas view

    Canvas view in the web app allows you to preview your entire Canvas exactly as you see it on the Mac app. Instead of previewing individual Artboards, you can now pan and zoom to your heart’s content and interact with the entire flow — including elements outside of Artboards, such as notes.

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  12. Developer handoff improvements

    We’ve given the Inspector in the Sketch web app an upgrade. You’ll now see a highlight around Symbols on the Canvas and in the Inspector, plus there’s support for Shared Styles and Color Variables. We’ve also given it a speed boost, and made a whole host of smaller improvements, too.

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  13. My Drafts

    My Drafts

    My Drafts

    We want you to have more control over who can see and edit your documents. That’s why every Workspace member now gets a private space, perfect for work-in-progress designs and ideas you’re not quite ready to share.

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  14. Previously seen
A sticker illustration

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