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The Insert Window

Last updated on 13 Jun 2022
2 min read

The Insert Window opens separately to the main window. It gives you a fast and easy way to find and insert Symbols, Text Styles, Layer Styles, Color Variables and Artboard Templates – from your document or any of your Libraries. Each Component gets a big preview, which you can drag and drop onto your Canvas.

Use the keyboard shortcut C to open the window or choose Window > Insert in the menu. In the window, you can toggle between Components in the sidebar of the window, and filter between Libraries and local Components.

To open the Insert Window, use the keyboard shortcut C or choose Window > Insert in the menu.

An annotated image showing the different parts of the Insert Window interface .

The Insert Window in the Mac app (v89 June 2022)

  1. Component Tabs. Filter between Symbols, Layer Style, Text Styles, Color Variables and Artboard Templates.
  2. Search bar. When you search in the Insert Window you’ll see results for the Component type you’ve selected in the sidebar, so be sure to select the relevant Component type first.
  3. Sidebar. Quickly navigate between different Libraries and groups to filter the previews on the right.
  4. Previews Grid. Each Component gets a big preview. You can drag and drop any of them straight onto your Canvas. Try dragging Color Variables onto shapes, or Text Styles onto Text Layers.
  5. Window pinning. By default, when you start dragging a component onto your Canvas, the Insert Window unfocuses and hides itself behind your document window so you get a full view of your design. To have the Insert Window immediately reappear as soon as you’ve finished dragging a component, simply click the pin icon.

Inserting components from the Insert Window

You can browse or search for any Symbol, Text Style, Layer Style, Color Variable or Artboard Template. When searching, you’ll see results for the Component type you’ve selected in the sidebar, so be sure to select the relevant Component type.

Select the Symbol, Text Style, Layer Style, Color Variable or Artboard Template that you are looking for, and drag and drop it onto your Canvas.

You can also drag and drop Symbols and Text Styles on top of overrides to apply them. When inserting Color Variables onto a Text or Layer Style, drop the Color Variable right on top of the layer you want to apply it to or drop it on any color well in the Fills panel in the Inspector.
